Campaign for St. Aidan’s Announced!

Campaign AnnouncementAs we prepare to celebrate the chapel’s 110th anniversary in 2027, it is a perfect time to acknowledge our strengths based on our history, present vitality and our support of the Greater New Bedford community. The Standing Committee (SC) has voted unanimously to launch a capital campaign that will help to restore, renew and sustain the chapel for generations to come. The SC is calling upon the St. Aidan’s community to provide funds, most immediately, to address the urgent restoration of the chapel and upgrading of the rectory and grounds. In addition, we want to build our endowment for the long-term benefit of the chapel and others. Blessed by our Past and Present, Faithful to the Future: The Campaign for St. Aidan’s Chapel is underway!

More details will be forthcoming regarding the specific needs and monetary goals of the campaign. Look to the website for more information in the weeks to come.