
Thank you for supporting St. Aidan's, a non-profit, charitable institution

Supporting St Aidan’s Chapel is an important way to express your commitment to sustain the summer chapel, its clergy, splendid grounds, programs, Memorial Garden and rectory. More importantly, it is an expression of supporting Christ’s work in the church with your time, talent and treasure. Whether you volunteer on a committee, usher on Sundays, create flower arrangements for the alter, offer your services to the Standing Committee or Corporation, and/or support the Operating Fund, every type of gift advances God’s important work at St. Aidan’s and beyond. For generations, generous families and friends of St. Aidan’s have provided faithful stewardship of our beloved Chapel. Thank you.

Apple Tree

St. Aidan’s Operating Fund

An annual gift to the Operating Fund supports the activities of our Chapel community every year. In addition, the maintenance and improvement of our beautiful grounds are realized through operating funds and special, restricted donations. A specific gift designated to enhance our property will help ensure its continued beauty.

Every year a flexible percentage of earnings from the Chapel’s invested funds is given to support those in need in the Greater New Bedford community. (See Outreach section for more details.) In other words, your financial support of St. Aidan’s has additional impact beyond the Chapel itself, an important tenet of our ministry.

Planned bequests to St. Aidan’s Chapel may allow you to give while at the same time, helping to address your personal and financial goals.

For example:

Charitable Bequest in your will or living trust: Designate St. Aidan’s Chapel in your will or living trust by donating a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate.

Appreciated Stock: Donating appreciated stock or mutual fund shares from a taxable account to St. Aidan’s, provides you with two potential taxable benefits.

Retirement Account: If you are age 70 1/2 or older and own an IRA, you can make a tax-free gift from that account directly to St. Aidan’s or designate St. Aidan’s as a beneficiary of the remainder of your retirement account.

Life Income Plans: Charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities allow you to support St. Aidan’s in the future while you (and your spouse) receive a lifetime income now.

For more information on making gifts to St. Aidan’s Chapel, please contact: Karyn Campbell, Treasurer