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Rev. Tim Safford Inspires All Once Again
St. Aidan’s welcomed back The Rev. Timothy Safford when he led two worship services on July 14. The mid-July crowds were large as parishioners gathered to hear his inspiring words once again. The Safford family spent many summers at the rectory on Smith Neck Road in years past when he served as a visiting clergy…
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Our visiting clergy are asked to respond to a quick question every year. This summer the question is: “If you were not an Episcopal priest, what other profession/calling might you have pursued?” Rev. Safford: When I was a senior in college, I had to choose between going to journalism school or divinity school. I thought…
Read MoreCampaign for St. Aidan’s Announced!
As we prepare to celebrate the chapel’s 110th anniversary in 2027, it is a perfect time to acknowledge our strengths based on our history, present vitality and our support of the Greater New Bedford community. The Standing Committee (SC) has voted unanimously to launch a capital campaign that will help to restore, renew and sustain…
Read MoreHoliday Weekend Worship Joy
The number of attendees swelled on July 7 as families and friends of the chapel attended the two services. For the first time, the weather on Sunday allowed for an outdoor service in the garden. Flexibility was evident as all sought the shade when the sultry sunshine proved to be a touch too hot! Rev.…
Read MoreRaindrops and Hydrangeas
The second Sunday of the season was wet and misty but the joyful spirits of the faithful defied the weather! Officiating Clergy Rev. Mike Dangelo presided over two services and offered a compelling interpretation of the Gospel reading by St. Mark. The stunning hydrangeas surrounding the chapel were in full bloom, welcoming all to the…
Read MoreRev. Dangelo’s Response to the Question…
Our visiting clergy are asked to respond to a quick question every year. This summer the question is: “If you were not an Episcopal priest, what other profession/calling might you have pursued?” Rev. Mike Dangelo: Oh I love this question! I think I love it because it varies with the seasons of my life thus…
Read MoreSt Aidan’s Begins Anew in June
The opening Sunday morning of the 2024 summer season dawned with thunder and rain showers but the St Aidan’s faithful persevered! The Rev. Mike Dangelo, returning for his 16th year at the chapel, led two engaging worship services. Parishioners serving as ushers, readers, altar guild, chalice bearers, fellowship and set-up contributed to the sacred and…
Read MoreCarolers Fill the Chapel on Christmas Eve
For the first time in several years, festive caroling was once again held inside the Chapel on Christmas Eve. A spirited group sang and enjoyed the ringing of the bell as Felicity Forbes led all from the altar steps. The familiar carols were music to the ears of the gathered singers, and an atmosphere of…
Read MoreA Beautiful End to the Season
The first Sunday in September was the last of the season for the parishioners of St. Aidan’s Chapel. Labor Day weekend delivered perfect weather as folks gathered under the beech tree to attend the communion service and hear Bishop Carol Gallagher’s thoughtful sermon. Once again she concluded her comments with a gentle hymn, sung to…
Read MoreWhom do you admire? [Bishop Carol Gallagher]
Bishop Carol Gallagher responded as follows: “I truly admire Bishop Tutu, who I was blessed to meet at my very first House of Bishops. He had lived a life of service and was often derided and abused, but he loved everyone he met and bubbled over with contagious laughter often.”
Read MoreConsecration and Communion
The penultimate Sunday of the 2023 season was full of ceremony and heart as Rev. Canon Arlette Benoit Joseph presided over two communion services and the consecration of the newly expanded Memorial Garden. They were attended by parishioners who worshipped at two services held both inside and outside the Chapel. Once again, Alan Lauderdale supplied…
Read MoreA Question of Love and Faith
The Rev. Canon Arlette Benoit Joseph, returning for her third summer at St. Aidan’s, offered a beautiful worship service under the sheltering beech tree in the Chapel garden. The weather was perfect as 85 (plus) parishioners were queried thoughtfully during Rev. Arlette’s sermon: “How is your faith walk going?” Such a simple question was compelling…
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